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España el crecimiento sostenido del tráfico portuario apunta a otro máximo histórico en 2015


Daniel Bosch Wood

Maritim Lawyer

LLM Southampton

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


Port traffic has continued its growth rate for the eighth consecutive month, registering a cumulative total of 375,025,561 tons moved up to September and 4.6% growth. The forecasts indicate that 2015 closes with a new historical high that will be around 500 million tons moved in the set of Spanish ports.

The biggest increases came from the bulk, with solid growth of 7.4% (70 MTN) and liquids 5% (125.9MTN). The largest group the general merchandise increases by 2.6% to 166.8 MTN.

By Port Authorities, Bahía de Algeciras leads the ranking with an increase of 2.6% and 71.7 MTN; Followed by Valencia (6.7% increase, 53MTN); Barcelona (34.9MTN), Tarragona, Bilbao and Cartagena which exceeded 24MTN. In the percentage variation the increases of Almería (+ 26.5%) and A Coruña (+ 18.8%) stand out.

Bahía de Algeciras recorded the largest movement of liquid bulk (20.4MTN), followed by Cartagena (19.2 MTN), Tarragona (16.5MTN), and Huelva (15.9MTN); While in solids Gijón (13.7MTN) stands out, followed at a distance by Tarragona, Almería and Cartagena. Regarding the general merchandise, Valencia is the first with 48MTN, followed by Algeciras Bay, 45.7MTN, Barcelona with 22MTN and Las Palmas with 10.8MTN.

Merchandise in transit has registered increases of more than 3%, which has led to the carrying of about 90 MTN, most of them, 78.5%, in containers. Precisely, the movement of containers, the most widespread format for the transport of merchandise other than bulk, has also set a new record by exceeding 10.6 million containers.

As far as intermodality is concerned, the ship is still the best ally for long-distance transport by road and rail, as shown by the more than 38.3 MTN of goods that were loaded onto trucks.

Source: Handling and Storage